Support Us
There are so many ways you can help!

Supporting Us Is Easy
Cass CASA needs your help. Volunteering, becoming a board member, providing financial support and telling others about us are just a few of the ways you can get involved.
We need volunteers to meet with foster children, gather information and write reports for the judge.
Become a Board Member
Our Board supports our mission and meets bimonthly. Members help with outside events, financial oversight, and fundraising.
Buy a Game or Toy
We invite the community to help provide gifts for CASA children at Christmas. We also collect games, toys, and snacks all year and give the child a gift basket when the case closes due to adoption or reunification.
Provide Gas cards
Many of our foster children live outside the county – some as many as one hour away. Since our volunteers are asked to have face-to-face contact with their CASA children at least once a month, transportation costs can be a burden. Donate money to offset gas costs.
Offset volunteer training costs
CASA volunteers must complete at least 30 hours of pre-service training and 12 hours of annual training. Funding to offset printing of volunteer manuals (about $50 per manual), speakers’ fees, and food for training meetings would be greatly appreciated!
Organize a CASA fundraiser
Support CASA by holding a fundraiser as part of Facebook, your company, neighborhood, group or individual initiative. Please be sure to contact us to talk about your ideas and we’ll be glad to help!
Spread the word
Help Recruit Volunteers
With your help, we can expand our recruitment efforts to make sure that all children in the foster care system have a CASA advocate.
You play a critical role when you tell others about the importance of what we do and why. CASA brochures are available to assist you!
Meeting the Public
We also need people to set up and work a booth during Victorian Christmas or Halloween on Main.
Thank you for helping us spread the word!
Help Recruit Volunteers
With your help, we can expand our recruitment efforts to make sure that all children in the foster care system have a CASA advocate.
You play a critical role when you tell others about the importance of what we do and why. CASA brochures are available to assist you!
Meeting the Public
We also need people to set up and work a booth during one of these events: Cruizin Main, Harvest Festival, Farmer’s Markets, Victorian Christmas, or Halloween on Main.
Thank you for helping us spread the word!