Foster Children in Cass County Need You!

Volunteer to be an advocate
By volunteering as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), you would have an important role. Abused and neglected children sometimes believe adults don’t care how they feel or what they want. The CASA volunteer can change that perception as they visit and get to know that child. They also work with the adults in the child’s life and write recommendations for the judge which helps the judge to make decisions in that child’s best interests. Often, the CASA volunteer is the only person the children can rely on to be a stable part of their life.
A CASA volunteer works with one family at a time and is a volunteer sworn in as an friend of the court. They are able to report to the court and remain involved with the child until that child is in a safe and permanent home. We will provide you will all the training and support you need to fill this important role.
Volunteer Responsibilities
- Maintain monthly face to face contact with the assigned child or children in foster care
- Record pertinent information on the case and communicate effectively with all parties
- Prepare written reports for and attend case-related hearings
- Attend CASA training meetings and conferences
- Represent the CASA program and maintain contact with the Cass County CASA office staff
Training Starts Soon
We are always prepared for independent training, and we have a larger class in the spring and in the fall. We use Zoom for the first several classes so you can even train from home.
Please call our office at 402-296-9521 or email Deanna Hoback.
CASA Requirements
- Be 21 years of age or older and have your own transportation
- Complete an application, pass a criminal background check and provide three references
- Participate in at least 30 hours of training
- Be honest, objective and able to appreciate and respect cultural diversity
- Understand and respect confidentiality guidelines